02 May 2012

May Day Violet Crème Soda

Serves 1

Being that it is the first of May, I was inspired to make something with sultry, mysterious, crème de violette.  This is one of those lovely things that have come into our life because our Kim discovered it and then blessed us with her knowledge (and a generous sample!).  I am seriously considering devoting a whole page to her ‘favorite things’ – she’s rivaling Oprah with some very fabulous finds. 
I then was intrigued by the recipe for a grasshopper, which evokes quasi late spring feelings in that it is green, but adding a whack of cream to anything alcoholic has never appealed to me (sorry paralyzer fans!).  And then my little mind went to summers when we would indulge in Italian sodas, with that optional splash of crème on top, and then it hit me – Violet Crème Soda.
Both the Crème de Violette and the Crème de Cacao are in the 20 – 25% range for alcohol, so with the addition of the soda this is a nice, light, refreshing soda.  However if your day has been especially trying, feel free to fortify it with some vodka.  Depending on how luxuriant you want it, or what is in your pantry, feel free to omit the splash of milk too.  I also think that a sprig of mint could be divine.

Fill a tall highball glass ¾ full with ice, add to that:
  • 1.5 oz crème de violette
  • 1 oz white crème de cacao (clear) – this can take over, you can always add more.
  • 1.5 oz vodka (optional)

Top with
  • 6 oz sparkling water (1/2 a regular 12 oz can)
  • Splash of milk, cream, or milk substitute of your choice (also optional)

Serve with a long bar spoon or straw to let the imbibers witness the beautiful violet and mix it together for themselves.

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