22 May 2012

Creamy Coconut Buckwheat Bowl

Makes 3 to 4 cups | Easily doubled

The other morning I was yearning for a substantial breakfast, but trying to be mindful of healthy options at the same time.  I looked longingly at the jars & jars (& jars!) of whole grains, but as is usual for the breakfast hour was hungry NOW and didn’t want to wait 20 to 40 minutes for whole grained goodness, and quick oats held no appeal.  Then I spied the buckwheat - perfect! 

Contrary to what the name would suggest, buckwheat is not wheat at all – in fact, it’s not even a grain.  Like quinoa and amaranth, buckwheat is given the lackluster distinction of being a psuedograin, as none are actually part of the grass family that gives us common grains.  While buckwheat can be used like a grain, it contains no gluten and it’s actually related to rhubarb (!).  As a bonus it is a great source of all eight essential amino acids, most of the B vitamins, calcium and vitamin E.[i]

If you’ve got eastern European heritage, it’s likely that you’ve come across this little wonder before as a breakfast porridge, or the toasted buckwheat called kasha as a side dish.  Buckwheat flour is also a key ingredient in Japanese soba noodles, Russian blinis and savory French crêpe galettes.  

Breakfast really is an excellent time for buckwheat groats because they are so quick to cook up – only 10 – 15 minutes depending on how soft you like them.  Add some fun flavors to the cooking liquid and you have yourself a wonderful, healthful, quick & delicious bowl of goodness!  Even better, make up a batch and store it in the fridge – then add a little milk of your choice, and either warm briefly or eat cold with fresh fruit…. Either ways is delicious!

Add to a medium saucepot with a tight-fitting lid:
  • 1 c whole buckwheat groats
  • ½ c lite coconut milk (canned type – could also use the beverage type for something lighter)
  • ½ c water
  • 2 handfuls dried fruit (I used blueberries and currants, both unsweetened)
  • 1 t warm spice(s) (singly or a combo of cinnamon, ginger, clove, star anise, and/or allspice)

Give it a quick stir, put on the lid and turn to hi.  Watch it as it can be a voracious bubbler!  Once it boils, turn the heat down to low and cook for 10 to 15 minutes, until the liquid is absorbed and the grains are fluffy but not mushy.  Don’t worry, this isn’t as temperamental as rice – you can take off the lid and give it a quick stir and a taste to see where it’s at - I tend to err on the 10 minute side and then I can always go a couple minutes longer if needed.  It should in no way resemble ‘mush’ unless you prefer it that way.

When it’s ready, fluff it with a fork and then portion into bowls – about a cup per serving (this is very filling!). Top with any/all of the following:
  • Milk of your choice (almond and coconut are nice)
  • Fresh seasonal fruit
  • Nuts & seeds (almonds and hemp hearts are favorites – shredded coconut is good too!)
  • A drizzle of maple syrup, agave nectar, molasses or honey

Dig it to a tasty bowl of buckwheat for breakfast!

[i] Wood, Rebecca. 1999. “Buckwheat” in The New Whole Foods Encyclopedia. Penguin: New York, NY. 47-9 p.

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