03 June 2014

CSA Week 1

We have been really happy with our first week of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) with Sauvie Island Organic farm (SIO).  Getting to chat with Peter, one of the SIO farmers that staffs the pickup site, getting one heck of a giant head of red butter lettuce, and getting to try out more green garlic recipes have been the highlights so far.  For more on CSAs and the beginning of our adventure, check out the previous post.

Our half share included:

  • 1 big, beautiful head of red butter lettuce
  • 1 bunch of lacy red ursa kale
  • 1 succulent head of bok choi
  • 1 baby fennel bulb with lots of delicate fronds
  • 1 large bunch of crunchy celesta radishes
  • 2 heads of green garlic

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