12 March 2014

When the Pollen Rains, it Reigns

I've always been especially in tune with the spring-time raining down of pollen - and often suffered some what as a result.  And with this beautiful balmy boost to the spirits, in the full sun I see the golden snow as the trees release - and

we sneeze.

One of the best and simplest way to combat the pollen onslaught is to cover your mouth and nose while you are outside, and shower off promptly when you come inside.  This leeks you from further tracking pollen all over the house, sprinkled on your dog and falling in your eyes as you toss your hair in the gentle breeze.

I was also reading an Organic Gardening article on Springtime Allergies and saw that they mention broccoli, kale, collards, and citrus as having 'the right stuff' to help prevent symptoms in the first place.  This happen to conveniently fit into the time of the year that you can buy or harvest these wonder veggies.

So that also makes a great reason to take advantage of the end of the citrus season with a refreshing Grapefruit and Arugula Salad - dressed up or down with what you have on hand.  I recently enjoyed this as an energizing breakfast - nothing like salad in the morning! I highly recommend it - especially along with eggs instead of the usual starches.

Grapefruit and Arugula Salad with Pecans

If needed, rinse off a handful of arugula or mixed greens per serving.  Dry. Place it a low dish or pasta bowl and top with one grapefruit, supremed and the juices added (pitch & rind discarded or used for Candied Grapefruit Peel). Add 1 T slivered almonds per dish.  Drizzle with good cold-pressed oil (evoo, flax, walnut) and fresh cracked salt & pepper. Enjoy!

Other great additions include: avocado, pomegranates, goat cheese, other nuts, and/or fresh herbs.

For more Citrus Celebration check out this post
For more on eating to fend off spring sneezing, check out Foods For Allergy Sufferers, or this fast & tasty recipe for a Cran-Pineapple Allergy-Fighting Smoothie

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