16 November 2011

A Lovely Lunch

We were recently blessed to have a lovely lunch with Carol – she and JJ got to do what they do best (talk shop) while I got to do what I am learning to do best (cook and take pictures).  Having a friend over for a meal is always a chance for me to pull out a great recipe and hone it (or in my case, actually take notes about what I did!) and get some critical feedback. 

Cooking is an art my friends, and some days you’ll have better mojo than others, but every time you have a chance to refine your art, try something new, or both.  It’s great that Carol came over, because otherwise lunch wouldn’t have been nearly as well thought out.  But that’s the magic in connecting with those you adore - and it gets you to vacuum. 

Chopped Celeriac
Here is a lovely lunch (or brunch) that you can whip up, much of it ahead of time, to serve during this ramp up to the holiday season.  I would also recommend making a batch of soup and some tartlets just for you and treating yourself to some fabulous fall flavors – you deserve it!


Suggested pairing:
A fruit-forward Chardonnay, dry Riesling, or bubbles (they go with everything!)

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