24 November 2011

Truffle Crème Fraiche

This is a direct rip-off of a Garbriel Rucker recipe that was ever so graciously given to me by our good friend Carol.  Rucker is famous for his restaurant here in Portland, Le Pigeon, along with being a James Beard Rising Star award winner - and you can see why with this simple but fabulous sauce!  It is so easy that I have even taken it camping, oh yah.  It is a fantastic accompaniment to any roasted veggie, and we plan to slather it on for Thanksgiving.

Enough for 6-8 side dishes

In a bowl whisk together
  • ¾ cup crème fraiche
  • 1.5 T truffle oil – see note below
  • The juice of one lemon
  • Salt to taste

If you are really splurging add
  • 1 T chopped fresh truffle – a heavenly fall fungus!

Place a pan on low heat, add any roasted veggies if you want, such as 1.5 lb baby carrots that were originally featured in this recipe, and add the truffle crème fraiche.  Heat until the crème is reduced by half.  Remove from the heat and finish with
  • 1 T flat-leaved parsley, chopped

Otherwise just use as a sauce and pour it on.  Ohhh yah!

Truffle oil can be found in higher-end grocery stored, international food sotres, and even some well-stocked farmers markets such as the big one on the PSU campus downtown.  It is spendy, but a little goes a long way and it is a phenomenal treat on poached eggs, risotto, and roasted veggies, not to mention Sunchoke & Celeriac Soup.  

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