23 February 2016

New Camera | New Knife | New Menu

What does that mean? A renewed beginning for Very Good Food.

Let us start at the end where you are most interested - the menu.

Due to a previously mentioned crisis of content with The Husband giving up strict vegetarianism (though not vegetarian meals entirely) I figured it was time to alter the recipes I present to match our broader choices. Afterall, this blog was inspired by how we cook and what we cook, so it seems unfair to both chef and reader to not continue this authentic approach.

The focus will still be to showcase complete, whole-food-centric vegetarian dishes, however I will also make mention of (and take pictures of) variations of the dish that can be made with clean animal protein. By including items such as organic eggs, poultry and fish I hope to not only reach those who may just want to eat less meat (than those specifically eating a 100% vegetarian diet) but also capture realities of a shifting food scene as many people opt for other diets, such as paleo/primal, Whole30, low-carb and low-FODMAP, to name a few. (Stay tuned as we cover just what the heck FODMAPs are in March). My aim as always is to include, not offend, and help everyone eat more seasonally-tuned meals above all else. Every dish will remain gluten-free.

Continuing the reverse order - a new knife can be a great source of pleasure and draw one into the kitchen to fondle its curves while experimenting with new combinations and old favorites. Uncharacteristically I did not do any research for this purchase, it was completely spur of the moment. The knives were on sale and this one is a shape that complements my chopping style (especially for lots of fresh herbs & leafy things) and has a great weight and balance to it. If you don't already have a good chef's knife - get one! It's the most important tool in the whole kitchen. Get a good quality one - try out different shapes if you are uncertain what will best work for you - and KEEP IT SHARP. This also means never put it in the dishwasher - you won't be able to put it down for that long anyway, right?

Lastly I'm very inspired by the new camera, and my expanded ability to bring you better quality photo is low light (which is often the limiting factor in my kitchen). The camera, along with a new knife happened rather serendipitously, and have reignited my passion for sharing Very Good Food with you. I can't wait to see what new feasts we'll discover.

Happy Eating!

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