22 February 2012

A Site for Sure Knives

I came across a great site the other day that I must share with you!  It was once I wrote out the steps on How to Cut Suprêmes that I realized a video tutorial would go a lot further to help you from cutting your thumb off in the process!  I posted a link to the one I found at Stella Culinary, but thought that this fabulous site needs its own post to make sure everyone checks it out.  

It is a fabulous compendium of culinary information from the Truckee, CA, kitchen of Chef Jacob Burton.  He features explanations of ingredients, techniques and more - in pictures, print & video - so you can learn at your own pace.  The videos are short, succinct, and free of all the humming and hawing that characterize so many YouTube flicks (and feature a headless chef just like this blog!).  And apart from the little intro sequence, there are no adds or other plugs.  He emphasizes local and seasonal ingredients, and you can sign up for a monthly newsletter too.

So I encourage you to work on those knife skills, hone your cooking techniques, and generally be inspired to be a more confident and competent chef - thanks Chef Jacob Burton for sharing your knowledge!

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